I've mentioned before that San Diego leans HARD towards conservatism whether it's politically or socially.
When my sleepy community of Rancho Bernardo decided to turn a long-abandoned restaurant into a Hooters, the blue-hairs came out in force to protest at several city council meetings. The drunks! The debauchery! The drunken debauchery! Two and a half years later, the RB Hooters is still open and if you swing by at noon for lunch, you'll find several dirty old men (both figuratively and literally) have beat you to a booth by arriving an hour earlier.
Now, I'm not much of a local news broadcast guy, but Jalen caught a cold over the weekend and stayed home from school today. As I turned on the TV and prepared to administer a prescription of previously DVR'd cartoons, I found our local FOX affiliate airing today's weather forecast.
I vaguely remember a bit of annoyed chatter from the usual killjoys – mostly at my office – when Chrissy Russo first hit the FOX 5 airwaves. "Did you SEE what she was wearing?! Harrumph!" Y'all know how angry old women can be, right? So, I took it upon myself to analyze Ms. Russo's meteorological performance with my cell phone camera and – as you can clearly see – she's professional, qualified AND tastefully dressed:

Here's is some actual in-broadcast evidence:
Besides, any member of a local news team who's featured on an outfit of the day page at the channel's official website has ALL of Aaron's professional respect and admiration.
I feel a warm front passing through my.....
I feel your readers should know that Monday's outfit is now featured as the first picture on the "outfit of the day" page.
Also, I am impressed how her ass completely covers two days worth of temps in the first picture of this post.
So...was it 80 degrees in San Diego today? Was she right?!
It could've snowed today and I wouldn't have blamed her, Jon.
I happened upon this page trying to track down rumored Arab ownership of Fox Cable Network, saw a blurb about the old home town and saw your blog.
How ironic...
When I lived in SD and was a regular poster on CR's blog I encouraged her to dress as sexy as she appears to be doing now... Fox national cable has been using short skirts to get bigger ratings for years... I figured she had the legs to do it in SD... but she covered herself like a vestal virgin...
Now that I am across the country (four years later) she's apparently taking my advice...
And... I have since had a change of heart about such displays and use of sex to sell ads or gain ratings everywhere...
And she no longer appears to have the legs to do it anymore...
As I said... how ironic.
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