Sunday, February 3, 2008

Playoff Pickery: Super Bowl XLII

Last Week / Overall


Joe: 1-1 (7-3)
Aaron: 2-0 (9-1)

Vs. the Spread

Joe: 1-1 (5-5)
Aaron: 1-1 (5-5)

N.Y. Giants vs. New England Patriots (-11 1/2)

Aaron: I can't do it. Jesus, Joe Reid, & Mary, how I wanted to, but I just can't. All credit due the Giants, as a lot of people with very short memories have compared them to the 2005 Steelers, who also won three on the road in January to make it to (and win) the Super Bowl. But, this Giants squad punched three much better teams in the mouth, while the Steelers were gifted two of those three wins and won the Super Bowl on the whistle of some lousy officiating. Lost in the hoopla of the Patriots' greatness is how great the Giants are playing RIGHT NOW. But, I hate the two weeks off for the Giants' momentum. I hate that this Tom Brady ankle non-story has become another "Schilling's Sock" moment for the unimaginative media. And, I hate the thought of betting my life on the arm of Eli Manning until proves he can win the big game. Umm, I mean THE BIG GAME. Y'know, the Super Bowl?

New England Patriots 38, N.Y. Giants 17

Joe: God, I didn't even think of the Brady non-jury as a potential bloody sock moment -- GOD this is going to suck. I pretty much echo all your thoughts, Cam. Many props to the Giants for their phenomenal run, and I will be cheering for them to the point where I'll be indistinguishable from all the Giants fans who came out of the woodwork in New York this month.But thus far, the only thing that's holding the universe back from a full-on Massachusapocalypse is Mitt Romney's unelectability. Of course, this isn't interesting if Cam and I are picking the same outcome on the last pick 'em of the year, so I guess I'm calling the Giants to cover. Godspeed, little doodles.

New England 31, NY Giants 23


  1. Holy shit, watching ESPN turn on the Patriots so viciously is the greatest thing ever. I love everything right now.

  2. I've never, ever, EVER enjoyed a game more between two teams I have no real vested interest in.

    Watching Bill Belichek slink away with one second left on the clock was the perfect ending for such a colossally grating asshole.

    Eff you, Bill Simmons. Eff you.

  3. Dude, that's right! Looks like tomorrow is gonna feature the Schadenfreude Reading Hour as I snicker over all the Simmons columns I couldn't stomach for the past two months.

  4. Jesus, Tom...quoting Marky Mark songs as your gloating mantra?

    Can't get much more New York than that.

  5. No gloating... just abject joy. My God, man, have you seen what I dealt with the last two baseball seasons? The gloating comes later.

    And, for the record, we had Ya Gotta Believe a bit before some knock-off New Kid from Boston
